Friday, June 23, 2017

cell phones

Hey, we do not need a spreadsheet to know that there is an increase in cell phone use. Well, here is good news. A certain fact is that we can have Excel on our I phone as an app. That said, it is hard to type in numbers into the tiny touch screen.

white light

Monday, June 19, 2017

rising ocean

Frankly, do not have a rising ocean. If you do not believe me... then get out your tape and measure some. Researchers claim it is rising every year.

cape #1

Thursday, June 15, 2017

empty beaches

Hotels suffer from empty beaches as there is no money. Tourists do keep the system alive and help everyone to survive.

Bajamar y soledad en Bakio

Monday, June 5, 2017


Dad told me that the only people who like war are generals and little boys who are seven. Most people do not like war. Get your spreadsheet out and see. Actually, most wars are very expensive. It is not just costing you a lot of money. Expect a lot of your people to be gone. Basically, you lose even if you win.

BMW with sidecar (plus an announcement)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

nice guys

Frankly, girls hate nice guys. There are many reasons. Let me give you one. Please understand that kids do not like vegetables and the love candy or ice cream. It is the say way in young women. Most want an exciting bad boy bartender and not a math major total techie computer programmer.

Atlantic City