Thursday, February 28, 2019


Walmart fires store greeters who are disabled persons. Brothers and sisters, this is so wrong. I do not know where to begin even. Yo, we do understand that they need to make money. However, there are other ways to cut costs and trim expenses. Please complain and stop buying good at this retailer that does things that are so ominous. Maybe, we can find another place to go.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019


I like anime. Chobits and the metropolis anime are almost the same. It is boy meets girl genre. Except that the girl in this case is a pretty robot woman. Hey, the boy does not even care. Well, that is an anime. Reality does not creep in. Most guys want a REAL woman. What ever that is. Frankly, the retro to the max... future noir of the Metropolis anime seems like a scary FRIGHT mare.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Fellows, there is just too much snow. Well, here we are again. it has certainly been an interesting month at the beginning of our year. That said, the weather is a bit chilly for me. Actually, that is my fault as we see. Scientist claim this is due to global warming. Frankly, we do not think so.

Iceland Ring Road 1

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Ah yes, colors are so wow. Please do get some. Frankly, I like red or orange. Yeah, those amazing essences are warm.


Saturday, February 23, 2019


Retail is in woe. Hey, people simply just do not go to the mall any more. Frankly, the streets are empty of cars. Sadly, it is like being in a ghost town even. Most wonder if we are in a depression or a severe recession. Basically, things are not the same.

Paris, France - Passage Jouffroy

Friday, February 22, 2019


Pinterest will go public soon. Folks, we see that this IPO is wow. Hey, we need to find new companies. Basically, this is an awesome one. Get a lot of pictures from these sites that are so wow. Bro, this is the place that we wanna move in.

Public meeting

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Folks, it could be my imagination, but motels are not as pop. Hey, we do wonder what exactly the reason is. Oh yes, people blame the high cost of gas. Still, we do like to travel and see places that are new. Just think of all the great adventures that we can go on. Do hope that you can enjoy some.

Landmark Lodge Motel

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

ongs hat

They say that ongs hat was an early internet conspiracy game. Folks, we are not so sure. After all, there was a lot of strange stuff going on. It dealt with an alternate universe. Earth 2.0 was the destination of many. Hey, we wanna get outta DODGE as we see. Yeah, those does not change any time soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

80 megapixel

80 megapixel image of our moon is awesome. Yeah, we do enjoy images. Sadly, there are those who are censors. Most are trying to block pictures with which they do not agree. Always, they have more excuses.

Monday, February 18, 2019

space x

China will compete with us in space. They are going after blue origin or space x. Expect things to warm up. Blast off is what we hear from the launch pad of high technology start ups.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


I burned the roof of my mouth eating a pizza. Yeah, it was the frozen variety that you put in an oven. Well, we added some extra cheese as it was a bit on the skimpy side for me.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Freedom of the press

Freedom of the press is no more. Citizens sadly do need to finally wake the heck up. Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in an ominous new era. People can get fired for saying a certain word that is considered illegal now. Of that we can assure you. Whatever freedom we thought we had is a goner.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

icons are sexism

Here is the latest for you. Ah yes, icons are sexism. Well, this world gets crazier every year. Please tell me when we reach the level of a totally insane maniac.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

smart phone

Hey yo, smart phones are just too expensive. Buying one... like that does not feel so smart any more. Remember when we used a phone to call some one? That does indeed feel to many... like a million years ago. Hey, we are not making this one up. Getting a um SMART phone is a dumb move.

iPhone 3

Monday, February 11, 2019


Pilot was arrested just now. He was minutes before take off on a trans atlantic flight even. This is some sour news. Yeah, we need to finally wake up. Basically, things are taking a turn for the worse. Most people really do not even care. Hey, like he could have crashed the jet and brought pain... to many more.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Just look at newspapers. They are going away. Colleagues, we are now in a new era. Oh yes, the old one... did disappear as if it were vapor. A puff smoke that is gone soon. Maybe, we wish there was more stuff for us to wish on. Sadly, the internet is growing.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Fellow, there is too much snow. Maybe, we can hope for an early sunny spring. Most of us can already miss summer. Well, mine was so warm. Right now there is a lot of blowing snow or ice.

M...HARE ...Scotland.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Chinese student sentence for taking a photograph of a base in our US navy. Remember to smile for your camera. Hey, this is one strange story as we see. Actually, he is getting one year in prison.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Andrew Basiago

Andrew Basiago claims physical time travel and teleportation to the planet mars. That is intense and then some more. Still, we do wonder about what is going on. Certainly, this is one eerie ominous universe. Hey, we are not making this guy up. He really does claim to have used a time machine.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Hey, we enjoy amazon. They are part of the self driving car craze. Hey, we do wonder how long we gotta wait to see one.. like driving down a tree lines avenue. Yeah, we gotta love a leafy neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

soft drinks

Fellows, soft drinks are not good for you. They are too sugary. Hey, even diet soda is bad for you. Actually, this news... like it should surprise no one. Do try to understand that that we need to eat more veggies. Make this a top priority for both your health and wealth as we say.

San Antonio, Baja, resident

Monday, February 4, 2019

tiny home

Yo, a tiny home can be built in four hours from bamboo even. This is so amazing. Oh wow, it is hard to believe, but there we are. Let us celebrate this attainment that is so max.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Face Book versus Apple

Face Book versus Apple is the biggest tech cold war. Hey, it is starting to warm up. Colleagues, this fact should not surprise us any. After all, we are in a world that has much to offer us. Let us not forget what is now going on. Sadly, we have seen some side effects from this cold war. Oh yes, they are not pretty as we say. That said, we know that Mark is hating on Tim Cook for some reason.

Friday, February 1, 2019

jeep compass

I like the jeep compass. Ah yes, an exploration awaits us. What will the road ahead bring to our view? Yo, let us start our journey.